

        This book seeks and presents the unity of purpose inherent in the recorded teachings of the Buddha, Krishna, Confucius, Lao Tzu, Jesus and the Prophet Muhammad. I rely on comparisons between their various essential holy texts in order to discover the true, unadulterated message of these religious founders. There is no bias in favor of one teaching over another. The differences in theology within the six holy scriptures examined in this book will be mentioned, but not stressed. I have not selectively quoted these holy works in order to fit my thesis.  As much as possible, I want these holy texts to speak for themselves. Translations of the texts utilized in this book are widely available, and in the public domain. The reader is invited to delve into the entirety of each holy scripture for his or her self, and to draw his or her own conclusions.

        The six religions examined in this work have been selected due to their immense historical and contemporary relevance, and to provide a sense of balance. The selection of the six spiritual traditions compared in this book is not meant to exclude or offend the followers of other faiths . Based on my limited exposure to Jain, Sikh, Jewish, and Zoroastrian texts, I believe that these traditions (and many other means of expressing human spirituality) are completely analogous with the conclusions of this study.  Compared within are the fundamental texts of two Vedic faiths from South Asia, two Abrahamic religions from the Middle East, and two traditions from China. These three centers of civilization have had the greatest impact on human philosophy and spirituality. A brief description of each of the six faiths compared in this work is presented for readers who are unfamiliar with these traditions.


Overview of the Religions